Everyone Is Acting Like An A-Hole Lately, So Here Are 50 Photos Of Absolutely Infuriating People

1.I bet this person was on Facebook saying, “We can disagree and still be friends”:

Why treat service workers like that? Make your coffee at home and tip yourself with that crap, jerkass.

u/Aliinga / Via reddit.com

2.And this person celebrating Trump’s win by driving this monstrosity around is truly evidence that people have lost their damn minds in this country:

A person dressed as Uncle Sam with a large American flag rides in the back of a moving black pickup truck in a city street parade

I guess MAGA stands for “Make America Gross Again.”

u/ralfreza / Via reddit.com

3.I don’t know who this guy voted for, but I know he’s an inconsiderate buttface for being on his computer an entire movie screening:

Two people sitting in a movie theater with one using a laptop

The OP snapped this photo when the movie ended and they were walking out, but he’d been on it from previews onward.

u/tsDomorOm / Via reddit.com

4.The world has changed, man. People have gotten rude AF and lost all manners…check out this woman playing a slot machine with her foot:

Person reclines in a casino chair with feet up, playing a slot machine. Casual atmosphere with another person standing nearby

Imagine the person who sits down after this woman and has to touch the screen with her foot juice all over it?

u/Primal_Rage_official / Via reddit.com

5.I swear, I think the worm that ate part of RFK Jr.’s brain has eaten most Americans’ brains, too…like this dad seriously wore this shirt on a daddy/daughter date:

Man wearing a shirt that reads,

6.And Mr. Charm here wore this… [CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]

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