Everyone Is Acting Like An A-Hole Lately, So Here Are 50 Photos Of Absolutely Infuriating People
1.I bet this person was on Facebook saying, “We can disagree and still be friends”:
Why treat service workers like that? Make your coffee at home and tip yourself with that crap, jerkass.
u/Aliinga / Via reddit.com
2.And this person celebrating Trump’s win by driving this monstrosity around is truly evidence that people have lost their damn minds in this country:
I guess MAGA stands for “Make America Gross Again.”
u/ralfreza / Via reddit.com
3.I don’t know who this guy voted for, but I know he’s an inconsiderate buttface for being on his computer an entire movie screening:
The OP snapped this photo when the movie ended and they were walking out, but he’d been on it from previews onward.
u/tsDomorOm / Via reddit.com
4.The world has changed, man. People have gotten rude AF and lost all manners…check out this woman playing a slot machine with her foot:
Imagine the person who sits down after this woman and has to touch the screen with her foot juice all over it?
u/Primal_Rage_official / Via reddit.com
5.I swear, I think the worm that ate part of RFK Jr.’s brain has eaten most Americans’ brains, too…like this dad seriously wore this shirt on a daddy/daughter date:
6.And Mr. Charm here wore this… [CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]
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