Lieber’s subway crime dismissal: Letters
The Issue: MTA CEO Janno Lieber stating the increase in subway crime is in riders’ heads.
Janno Lieber, all MTA bosses and elected officials should be mandated to use the “safe” subway system for one year, no exceptions and no bodyguards (“Ride Janno out on a rail!” Jan 9). Let them see first-hand how safe the subways are.
These people are all delusional and need a wake-up call to the rising crime in the system.
Think of the additional money that could be saved and infused into the MTA with the savings if you took away their chauffeured rides and made them use the subway for their daily trips.
Veronica Kwiecinski
Lieber’s delusional claim that New Yorkers need not fear riding the subways after two riders were stabbed, another set on fire and another pushed onto the track is criminal.
He should be held accountable, and make sure the slashers and people arrested for these crimes are held without bail and jailed until a court date.
His statement that the system is safe “overall” is the reason he must be held accountable for the release of these felons.
Bonnie Giordano
Florham Park, NJ
New Yorkers are not as incompetent as Lieber makes them out to be with such an asinine assertion.
Crime is rampant in the system, and I personally don’t believe the COMPSTAT numbers from the NYPD regarding transit crime statistics.
Felony assault can be reduced to misdemeanor assault with a change of a word or two on the UF61 form — or considered “accidental” or “unintentional.” Pickpocketing can be reduced to “lost property” if you didn’t see or feel someone take your wallet or purse.
Give all of us a break, Lieber — New Yorkers are far from gullible, let alone stupid. Enjoy your congestion toll money while it lasts.
Ralph Manente
Instead of claiming the systems are safe and charging the hard-working folks of New York City with congesting pricing, they should use some of the MTA funds to study the subway systems of England, Japan and Amsterdam.
Those systems are well-run, safe and clean. Anyone who has traveled to these countries and used the systems, including myself, knows what I am talking about.
Donna Skjeveland
The Issue: President Biden’s last-minute offshore-drilling ban and other anti-drilling moves.
President Biden and the Democratic Party must hate the American people (“Drill ban makes change ‘difficult,’ ” Jan. 7).
President-elect Donald Trump’s promise to drill was meant to give the American people cheaper gas prices. Biden’s decision to ban offshore drilling is an attempt to stop Trump from keeping promises, so he fails.
Nevertheless, Trump is a fighter and no doubt will find a way to reverse Biden’s ban.
The mean-spirited and spiteful actions of Biden are only more reason for Americans to vote Republican in future elections.
JoAnn Lee Frank
Clearwater, Fla.
Right off the bat, Biden showed his disdain for energy production by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. He later significantly restricted considerable US energy production.
Additionally, Canada, under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has stymied pipeline projects to get our oil to tidewater.
This year, Canada will see a new government, amenable to natural-resource development, and Trump will unleash America’s energy capability.
These initiatives will benefit the United States, Canada and the free world.
Larry Sylvester
Ontario, Canada
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