A mystery man keeps showing up to crash scenes on Nebraska highway:It’s very odd’

A mystery is brewing in rural Nebraska, where car crash victims say an unidentified man continues to appear on the scene before any first responders.

Multiple people involved in separate crashes on Highway 36 in Bennington, Nebraska have said the same man has appeared to offer them help after their accidents, which were caused by random objects blocking the road. At least four people have encountered this person, local outlet WOWT reports.

Kyle Sorenson told WOWT he saw the man after hitting a child’s bike that was inexplicably in the middle of the road.

“As I looked in my rearview mirror, I saw someone sitting there [just north] on Pawnee Road,” Sorenson said, describing the moments after he hit the bike. “They pulled up behind me and it was this individual saying he was checking to make sure we were okay.”

Sorenson said he left, but afterward his wife saw the same man leaking oil onto the road.

Kyle Sorenson said he saw the mysterious man after he hit a child’s bike on Highway 36 (WOWT/Screenshot)

“I really didn’t want to confront the person, but I informed the police,” Sorenson told WOWT. “I don’t want to accuse and say this person is absolutely doing this, but I want to make aware this is strange.”

Then, Garrison Beach was driving with his wife, Skylar, in a Toyota Camry down the highway when he swerved to avoid hitting a “big piece of metal” in the road. As a result, their car fell into a ravine on the side of the road.

But Garrison told WOWT a car with its headlights on was parked nearby. Then a man came over, said he had called the police and offered to take them in his car.

“As soon as we got out of the car, I remember walking up the embankment and this guy showed up,” Garrison told the outlet. “He was already there, like, waiting for us up on the side of the road and [said], ‘Are you guys OK? I’ve called the paramedics already.’”

“It was just very odd,” Skylar added. “As soon as we said, ‘No, we’re going to wait for the police,’ he kind of just walked back to his car.”

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office told WOWT they’ve had multiple reports of objects in the middle of Highway 36. Sheriff Aaron Hanson said his office received two additional reports describing incidents similar to what Sorenson and the Beaches experienced.

“We have a potential suspect in mind and we are continuing with an investigation right now. We have a subject of interest that we are honing in on,” Hanson said.

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