Elon Musk is right to be outraged about UK rape gangs — but he’s lost in the circus of internet outrage

It seems 2025 is going to be crazy — we’re just one week into the year and already the world’s richest man is wondering if the US should invade the UK.

It’s Elon Musk. The billionaire rabble-rouser. The man who now seems to spend as much time squabbling with strangers on the internet as he does trying to get human beings to Mars.

For the past week Musk has been trolling the British government. Barely an hour passes without him firing off a mean tweet at our Prime Minister Keir Starmer or one of his ministers.

He is hopping mad about Britain’s “grooming gangs” scandal. This is the euphemistic name given to the bands of mostly Pakistani Muslim men who pimped, abused and raped white working-class girls in towns up and down England over the past 20 years.

Musk seems to be discovering this horror for the first time. And — like everyone with a working moral compass — he is sickened by it.

He’s now going for the jugular of Britain’s political and media elites, whom he accuses of turning a blind eye to this outrage.

He branded one minister a “rape geocide apologist” after she rejected the idea of a government-led inquiry into these “grooming gangs.”

But it is Sir Keir who’s really feeling the heat of his swirling invective. Musk has even accused the PM of being “deeply complicit” in the “mass rapes.”

Things are so bad in the UK, he says, that liberty-loving Americans might have to pop over here and free us from the yoke of Starmerite tyranny.

Should America “liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government,” he asked his 211 million followers on X. So far, 58% of respondents have said “Yes.”

Musk has posted on X that the UK should be “liberated” from Prime Minister Keir Starmer. POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Batten down the hatches, fellow Brits — Musk and his battalion of irate tweeters might be headed our way.

When the world’s best-known billionaire flirts with the idea of toppling Britain’s government, it is time to hit the pause button and ask: What is going on?

What are these “gangs” that Musk and others are talking about? And when Musk says British officials were “complicit” in their crimes, is he right?

Musk may have just found out about Britain’s rape gangs — to give them their proper name — but us Brits have been aware of them for 15 years.

It is impossible to overstate the enormity of this horror. In my view it is Britain’s worst scandal, our most catastrophic failure, of the postwar period.

What happened is that in various towns and cities, gangs of men from Pakistani Muslim backgrounds took advantage of poor and destitute white girls in the most heinous ways imaginable.

In Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford, Bristol, Manchester and too many other places to mention, squads of these sick men preyed on vulnerable girls.

They plied them with drink, insulted them, assaulted them, raped them and in some cases even killed them.

There was a racial element to their beastly behavior. The girls who fell victim to the gangs report being referred to as “white slags” and “white whores.”

These marauding Islamists essentially viewed their targets as a lower form of life. They seemed to be driven, not only by misogyny and a warped lust for domination, but by racial vengeance too.

Their racist berating of their victims eerily echoed the fashionable anti-whiteness of the modern left. In polite society we’re told to atone for our “white privilege,” while in these dirt-poor communities girls were violently punished for their original sin of whiteness.

What makes this scandal even more hideous, what really elevates it to the realm of evil, is that officialdom often looked the other way.

Inquiry after inquiry has found that local officials and police forces were initially reluctant to investigate the gangs, because they feared appearing “Islamophobic.”

One inquiry, in Manchester, found that cops held back from smashing the gangs because they didn’t want to “upset race relations.”

In Rotherham, officials stayed silent on the gangs because they were “afraid to be called racist.” They knew most of the perps were British-Pakistani, but they kept it hidden, lest they rock the multicultural boat.

In town after town, a craven calculation was made: protecting the ideology of multiculturalism is more important than protecting girls from rape.

These girls were sacrificed to ideology. Their degradation was seen as a small price to pay for upholding the edicts of political correctness.

Anyone who thinks “PC” is just a zany pastime of blue-haired students should take a long, hard look at Britain’s rape-gang scandal.

For this horror, with its sick elevation of “race relations” above the safety and dignity of girls, shows how lethal PC can be. It can even kill.

The tragedy of these girls is that their suffering did not fit into the woke narrative.

Hundreds of brown-skinned men racially and sexually abusing thousands of white girls? Such a spectacle threatened to unravel the self-flattering ideologies of the new elites, who insist that whites are “problematic” and Muslims are “oppressed.”

So it was downplayed, brushed aside. It seems preserving the left narrative is considered more important than preserving the sanctity of a poor white girl’s life.

This scandal is a searing indictment of the hyper-racial politics of the new left.

It offers the world a grim vision of where the left’s anti-whiteness, privilege-policing, grievance-mongering and cancellation of inconvenient facts can end up — with girls being raped right under the nose of an indifferent bureaucracy.

So Musk is right to be angry about this. We Brits have been angry for years.

Where he’s wrong, though, is when he says the “legacy media” hid these atrocities from the public.

In truth, it was the legacy media that uncovered this barbarism. The Times, Britain’s newspaper of record, has been doggedly shining a light on the rape gangs for 15 years.

It has been covered in the US, too. More than 10 years ago I wrote an essay for the Wall Street Journal, in which I said these horrors were fueled by the “moral cowardice of modern-day politicians more concerned with appearing right-on than doing what is right.” The same thing Musk is saying now, a decade too late.

It actually reflects poorly on Musk that he only found out about these gangs in 2025. Where has he been? Perhaps if hadn’t lost himself these past few years in the circus of internet outrage he might be more sensitive to what is going on in the real world.

Yes, Britain needs a reckoning with these colossal crimes. And the rest of the West should pay close attention, and see the evil that lurks within wokeness.

As to whether Musk’s furious tweets will help or hinder this reckoning — the jury is still out on that one.

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