Emergency crews search for two men swept away in Northern California river

(FOX40.COM) — Emergency officials in Placer County are searching for two potential drowning victims in the American River.

Around 9 p.m. on Nov. 23, the Placer County Sheriff’s Office received a call stating that two men had been swept away in the American River. The incident reportedly happened around 7 p.m. but the two people, both 20 years old, never resurfaced.

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PCSO said a group of three men went to the area to fish and the two of them got into the water. One of them was swept away, and the second man tried to help but was also pulled in by the current. Emergency crews responded to the Oregon Bar area with drones and a dive team but said the darkness and swift river conditions made it unsafe for them to go rafting. A search from the shore yielded no results.

As of Sunday, PCSO said it has 18 searchers, two K9 teams, and other rescue teams searching for the missing men on both sides of the river. A dive team is also expected to go into the water.

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