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Two grandparents, both lifelong caregivers, found themselves in an unexpected situation when they adopted their four grandchildren, expanding their household to six.

After winning a housing lottery in Falmouth, they faced a larger than expected utility bill due to their growing family and larger home. The cost of groceries for the family also exceeded their budget, and with the grandfather on Social Security and their income just above the limit for SNAP benefits, the grandparents struggled to make ends meet.

When a power outage spoiled all the food in their freezer, the $1,000 insurance deductible made recovery impossible. With nowhere else to turn, the grandmother sought help.

The Neighbors Fund stepped in, covering their electric bill to prevent shut-off and provided food vouchers to replenish groceries. This support gave them critical and immediate relief during a challenging time so they could focus on providing a stable and loving home for their grandchildren.

New brand logo as of 2024 for Cape Cod Times Neighbors Fund. Loaded 6.14.24. (Formerly Cape Cod Times Needy Fund)

How to donate to the Neighbors Fund

Donations, which are tax-deductible, may be made online at neighborsfund.org/cct

Checks can be made payable to:

The Cape Cod Times Neighbors FundP.O. Box 36Hyannis, MA 02601

How to get Neighbors Fund assistance

Those needing assistance may contact the Neighbors Fund at 508-778-5661 or 800-422-1446.

Questions can be emailed to info@neighborsfund.org. The Neighbors Fund is also on Facebook (facebook.com/Neighborsfund) and X (@Neighborsfund). Visit the site at neighborsfund.org.

Total Contributions to Date: $361,836.22

James R. Demetras Trust;$10,000

In honor of our grandsons- Mark,Thomas,Luke and Alexander-Love Nana.;$5,000

Cataumet Boats,Inc.;$3,500

Harwich United Methodist Church Thrift Shop;$3,000

Lee and Carol Tesconi;$2,500

Sherrie Cahoon;$2,000

Anne and John Oliver;$1,000

Donald Henderson;$1,000

Donald Nelson;$1,000

In loving memory of Deborah Ladner;$1,000

In memory of Sue Signorette Patton from Rich Patton;$1,000

Jason Stone;$1,000

Nu Psi Chapter,Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority Members;$1,000

West Parish of Barnstable Outreach;$1,000

The Desmarais Family;$515

Lloyd Franke;$500

Martha McDonald;$500

Michael and Martha Farmer;$500

Peter and Joan Boyer;$500

Regina Mullen;$500

Rod and Margaret Sherman;$500

Sandra M. Dethlefsen;$500

In memory of B. Grover;$500




In memory of Lisa Blickens;$400

Elisabeth Lessig;$350

Carolyn and Lynn Noble;$300

In loving memory of Larry Holmes from Kathy Holmes;$300

In memory of Bob Bradley from Nancy Bradley;$300

John J. and Elaine C. Cahill Family Fund;$300

Linda Lane;$257.50


Dotty and Bob Kreisinger;$250

Ginny and Tom McCabe;$250

In memory of Kath and Maud Kirk;$250

In memory of Memie;$250

Jo-Anne and Anton Yereniuk;$250

Leonard and Patricia Schwarz;$250

Mary Jane and John Beach;$250

Neil and Nancy McLaughlin;$250

Ron and Laura Majka;$250

Suzanne Banister;$250

Teresa Freeman and Brian Blakeley;$250

William Robson;$250


David and Penny Bergeson;$200

Earl and Joy Shipp;$200

Eleanor Quealey;$200

Eric Gordon and Carole Hebb;$200

In memory of Barbara J. Walsh from Skip and Pam Walsh;$200

In memory of Pamela Kielhack from Sarah and Jon Idman;$200

Jack and Patricia Mahoney;$200

Jan Snyder;$200

Jane and Robert Angell;$200

Michael and Susan Carey;$200

Robert and Suzanne Puzzo;$200

Stephen and Bettye Barcan;$200

William and Lorna Hathon;$200

Daniel and Jane Kunhardt;$51.50

In memory of Matthew Bookstein from Margaret and Stuart Bookstein;$100


Mary Lenihan;$103


Peter Wade;$100

Joseph Hetu;$30

Thomas Nee and Janice Delaney;$25

In memory of Don Campbell from Kathi Campbell;$100

Wayne and Janice Grenier;$50

John and Debora Foley;$25


Charles Berthelson;$50


Louis and Corinne Martinage;$50

Robert McGrady;$35

Carolyn and Jed Johnson;$50

Daniel and Frances Disenso;$50


William and Louise O’Neil;$100


Kathy and Brian Shanahan;$103

In memory of Anna Kontaxis;$100

John and Carolyn;$100


James and Katherine Delehaunty;$100

In memory of my mom;$100

Barbara Zwicker;$30

Rachel Crosby;$50


Jeanie Reilly;$25

Donald Deneen;$100

Amanda Murphy;$100

Kay Delaney;$50

Phyllis and Richard Nocella;$25


In memory of Doreen Igoe from Megan;$25

Bruce and Helen Jillson;$100

In memory of Teresa Johnston from Paul B. Johnston;$50

In memory of Warren Geer and Lynn Mahoney;$100

Gary and Anne Woonteiler;$103

Robert J. Giannetti;$20

Bruce and Susan Benwood;$100

Robert and Kathy Corradi;$100

In memory of Jack Maroney;$100

In memory of Frances and Edward Arbaczawski;$150

Richard and Patricia Porcaro;$100

Carolyn Richardson;$50

In memory of Amy Campbell;$100

James and Ann Bradshaw;$50

Erica Waasdorp;$50

Karen Tucker;$50

Marjorie and Seamus Kelly;$25

Sandra Hicks;$25

Brian and Nancy Scheld;$100

John Carlin;$50

Nathan Cohen;$100


Lee Kelley;$100

Paul and Marilyn;$100

Karen Lilly;$100

In memory of Johanna Fiske;$100

In memory of Susan Soults Jackett;$50

Tita White;$20

In memory of Maureen Taylor from Mary Kay Cordill;$100


Mark Dignan;$100

In memory of Don and Marge Lundgren;$50

Joseph Cappadona;$50

Richard and Ellen Lawson;$100

Muriel Garrison;$25

In memory of Vincent Marinera;$51.50

Barry Kasven;$25

Laura Murphy;$25

Mary Montimurro;$100

Rosemarie Merino;$50

Gerard Pastner;$50

Matching gift for Katherine Soares;$100

Joseph G. Holland;$100

Eileen Kelley;$50

Carol and Bruce Barnard;$100

Dawn McNally;$25

Patricia Merriell;$25.75

Kenneth and Elizabeth Casson;$100


Mary Florio-Ochoa;$25

Robert Denn;$100

Ms. Virginia Hallett;$50

Barbara Masonis;$50


Cheryl Cooke;$100

Mr. James Pisciotta;$100

Joanna Montalbano;$100

Carol Cichy;$103

In memory of John F. Pena;$25


Paul and Mary Lou April;$100

Maureen Quinn;$100

David Walsh;$50

West Yarmouth Congregational Church Missions;$150

William Abbott and Nancy Dube;$25

In memory of Dr. Joseph A. Ryan;$100

In memory of Joe DaLuz from Dolores-Always and Forever;$30

Gary Carter;$25

James Colleran;$100


Dee and Ken Higgins;$50

In memory of Frank Hall;$50

Carmela Turco;$50


Wilson Bartlett;$25


John and Susan Negri;$100

T. Scott Collins;$25

Joseph and Donna Hannigan;$50

In memory of David Hudson of Northboro; MA;$100

Richard and Gwen Brown;$100

In memory of the Bardsley Family;$100

William and Elizabeth Barry;$50


Peter and Karen Vergoni;$50

John Da Lomba;$50

William and Jennifer Sulyma;$100

Jill Zaterka;$100

Sherri Williams;$50

John and Lynn Cullity;$25

Dennis and Janice Wiehe;$50

In memory of Susie and Aeron Babcock from your loving family;$100

William and Carol Burchill;$25

Cynthia Cayton;$25

This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Neighbors Fund: Grandparents adopt grandchildren, receive help

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