Florida spring breakers hold illegal beach boxing match — complete with cryptocurrency betting: wild video
Now it’s the Sun-shiner State.
Spring breakers in Fort Lauderdale were caught on video holding an impromptu beach prize fight — complete with betting using cryptocurrency — while locals looked on aghast.
A large crowd of rowdy party animals could be seen pushing and shoving in a chaotic circle around two young men who throw haymakers on the beautiful beaches of Fort Lauderdale to the delight of the crowd.
Local resident Joshua Pettus recorded the worrying sight while on a walk in his neighborhood, realizing something strange was going on after overhearing one spring breaker taking bets, he told NBC Miami.
“I started hearing somebody taking bets and they were doing it with crypto,” Pettus told the outlet.
“Boxing gloves came out, the ring got bigger, and I knew the fight was going to start,” he said.
Pettus’ video shows two shirtless young men throwing devastating hooks at each other as a crowd of over 100 people cheered on and recorded with their phones.
“Why aren’t they playing football? Something that is not going to get people injured,” Pettus wondered to the outlet.
Soon after the fisticuffs started flying, police arrived and broke up the beachy bout, according to NBC Miami.
“Fort Lauderdale Police witnessed and broke up two incidents on the beach and the crowd complied both times without further issues,” the city of Fort Lauderdale said in a statement.
“There have been no reported confirmed cases of betting. This type of behavior will not be tolerated,” the statement said.
The city reminded its influx of seasonal tourists that alcohol, live music, and coolers are not permitted at high-traffic beach areas.
Pettus said that while he welcomes the business that the spring breakers bring, he believes they should be maintaining a higher level of civility.
“We want your business. We want you to come and have fun and enjoy our beautiful place down here in sunny south Florida,” he said, adding, “But do it responsibly — without the violence.”
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