Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Ainsley Earhardt are engaged

Long Island-raised Fox News commentator Sean Hannity and his girlfriend of several years, Ainsley Earhardt, cohost of the cable network’s morning show “Fox & Friends,” have become engaged

“We are overjoyed and so thankful to our families for all of their love and support during this wonderful time in our lives,” the couple said in a joint statement to Fox News, which said the engagement occurred around Christmas at their church in Florida.

The couple added that their children from former spouses — Patrick Hannity, 26, and Merri Hannity, 23, from Hannity’s marriage to Jill Rhodes, and Hayden DuBose Proctor, 9, from Earhardt’s marriage to Will Proctor — “couldn’t be happier.”

Neither Hannity nor Earhardt have commented on social media about the engagement.

This will be Hannity’s second marriage and Earhardt’s third. Hannity and Rhodes announced in June 2020 that they had been separated for more than four years and divorced for over a year. They had married in 1993. Earhardt is twice divorced. She was married to Kevin McKinney from 2005 to 2009, said Fox News, and to Proctor from 2012 until separating in 2018 and finalizing their divorce in 2019.

Earhardt and Hannity told Fox News they “still get along well” with their ex-spouses and “everyone is supportive of each other.” They added, “We actually made them aware this was happening ahead of time.”

Hannity, who turns 63 on Dec. 30, hosts his opinion show “Hannity” from Florida. Earhardt, 48, who was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, and raised in Spartanburg and Columbia, South Carolina, will continue to cohost “Fox & Friends” from Manhattan.

Born in New York City, Hannity was raised in Franklin Square, the youngest of four siblings and the only son of first-generation Irish immigrants. Father Hugh was an officer in the city’s family court system, while mother Lillian was a court stenographer and a corrections officer at a county jail. Sean Hannity attended Sacred Heart Seminary in Hempstead followed by Uniondale’s Saint Pius X Preparatory Seminary, which closed in 1984. He went on to New York University and Adelphi University, in Garden City, but did not complete a college degree.

He helped launch Fox News Channel in 1996 with the public-affairs debate show “Hannity & Colmes,” cohosted by Lynbrook-raised Alan Colmes. It ran through 2008, the year Hannity and then-wife Rhodes moved to an estate in Centre Island, which Hannity sold earlier this year The solo show “Hannity” debuted in 2009.

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