Hilaria Baldwin’s Spanglish grift is here to stay, it seems
It’s the grift that keeps on giving.
Yes, giving us laughs and reasons to ridicule Hilaria Baldwin impersonating a Spanish person.
Boston bred Hillary Hayward-Thomas – who at some point in her life swam in the glistening waters off Mallorca and re-christened herself Hilaria – is back with another Spanglish ooopsie moment.
In a new video, the Lie-berian lady is speaking in a high pitched, heavily accented English while cooking tortilla, a delicious potato omelet that is a staple in Spain.
The wife of Alec Baldwin suddenly forgets the English word for ‘onion’.
“He hates cebolla” she says of her husband, as someone off camera translates.
She then explains her special way of making tortilla Espanola.
“I learned this from when I was a kid, don’t look it up online because you’ll learn something different,” she says, unintentionally describing her own bio.
The secret was to not cut the potatoes “too tiny because they’re not going to have the right texture,” as she cooks what looks like excessively oversized chunks of taters.
I’ve always been taught differently, but I guess they do it their own way in Beantown.
This incident harkened back to the 2015 Today show appearance when she was preparing gazpacho for a cooking segment and in an accented English said, “We have tomatoes, we have, um, how do you say in English? Cucumber!”
She blamed it on her nerves, which in the Baldwindito dialect roughly translates to “I’m a big ol’ phony.”
Then who could forget the infamous 2020 tweet thread exposing her as the walking embodiment of the pungent bulb veggie we in English call an onion: she has layers and layers obscuring her core.
The mother of seven isn’t a zesty chica from Spain’s Balearic Islands but a pretty brunette from tony Beacon Hill.
However as a striver, she knows that a Spanish origin is far more exotic – and useful in a world that turned against privilege, real or imagined.
And for a while, it made her different from your usual celeb arm candy. She scored a gig as a correspondent on “Extra,” wrote a book and even her talent agency listed her as Spanish born.
The grand charade was shamelessly aided and abetted by her husband, who in 2013 explicitly told David Letterman, “my wife is from Spain.”
Though after the real Hillary was exposed in 2020, she explained, “I’m born in Boston. It was literally the first thing I told my husband.”
Which is it, folks?
She simply says her parents now live there and she grew up between two cultures. There’s no timeline, there’s no details. Just vagaries masquerading as an explanation for her bizarre accent that fluctuates between bog standard American and some stilted stab at Penelope Cruz’s sultry Ingles.
Even the NY Times said, she “declined to explain in detail how frequently they traveled [to Spain] or how long they stayed.”
She also blamed any discrepancies on the media, even though she herself wove a grand tale telling Vanity Fair Espana in 2012 that her family couldn’t pronounce Baldwin. Which is pretty strange for a bunch of highly educated folks from Boston (her dad is an attorney, her mother is a doctor who also taught at Harvard Medical school)
In 2020, she told the “Cat and Nat Unfiltered” podcast that she’d love to return to Spain one day. That she “came [here] for school and never ever, ever left.” She left out that she likely came on Amtrak via the Northeast corridor.
But she and her husband think Americans are morons who lack even the most basic knowledge about the European country. We’d never know this was – as the highly annoying progressive kids say – appropriation. Remember, he even told us so at the Torino Film Festival, that “Americans are very uninformed about reality.”
Alec is propping up her delusion – instead of calling her what she is: a person whose parents love Spain, went on vacation there and decided to make it their home (who can blame them, Spain is awesome!)
Perhaps all will be revealed in their upcoming TLC reality show, scheduled to be released sometime in the new year.
There are few details released about the project, but if I may propose a title, how about “La Familia Mentirosa”. It means, The Lying Family and it’s perfecto.
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