Humpback whale washes up in Long Beach; necropsy underway

Federal and state investigators are examining a juvenile humpback whale that washed ashore Monday morning in Long Beach.

Long Beach police reported the whale was found on the beach near Roosevelt Boulevard. The area around the mammalΒ was cordoned off and a necropsy was being done to determine the cause of death.

Once investigators are finished, the whale will be buried on the beach.

The whale, discovered Monday, follows the death of a minke whale found dead Saturday in the surf near Tobay Beach. The whale’s death was being investigated by AMSEAS β€” the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society, the Town of Oyster Bay Marine Patrol, New York State Parks, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association Fisheries.

AMSEAS officials have said they are investigating an increased number of minke whale deaths since 2017.

Officials said anyone who comes across a sick, injured or dead whale, dolphin, seal or sea turtle, should report it to the New York State Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Hotline at 631-369-9829.

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