Late Night Is Willing to Bet on a TikTok Ban

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Depending on how the Supreme Court rules, a federal ban on TikTok could take effect on Sunday.

On Wednesday’s “The Daily Show,” Jordan Klepper said Americans shouldn’t be surprised if the ban is upheld because the Supreme Court “is not exactly TikTok’s core demographic — they’re more of a Walgreens app type of crowd.”

“They’re old and sickly, is what I’m saying. I mean, the last time the Supreme Court heard the sound ‘TikTok’ was when death was following R.B.G. around.” — JORDAN KLEPPER

“I can’t tell what’s more surprising: Michelle not going, or that Melania is going.” — JIMMY FALLON

“Turns out Michelle actually had a good excuse. On the RSVP, she just wrote, ‘LOL.’” — JIMMY FALLON

Lucy Dacus premiered her new song “Ankles” on Wednesday’s “Tonight Show.”

Kate Winslet will take The Colbert Questionert on Thursday’s “Late Show.”

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