Dem calls for Adams’ resignation: Letters
The Issue: Calls to remove Mayor Adams after the Justice Department dropped charges against him.
In addition to making a mockery out of “nobody is above the law,” Democrats are now abandoning “the innocent until proven guilty” principal when it comes to dropping the charges against Mayor Adams (“Eric losing his grip on Gracie,” Feb. 18).
These Democrats haven’t publicly expressed any congratulations to Adams for no longer being at risk of conviction or jail.
Rather, there are calls for him to resign or be removed.
In a sane world, an individual who is acquitted is embraced, while a person who is convicted is asked to resign.
With friends like these, it’s no wonder Adams wants to side with President Trump and the Republicans.
Anthony Scro
Trump had the indictment against Adams dismissed based on merits, but additionally on political grounds.
Afterward, Adams agreed to let ICE agents go to Rikers Island.
Clearly it is a quid pro quo: If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, then it is a duck.
Alan Podhaizer
Standing by a corrupt mayor didn’t bother the deputy mayors until Adams had the gall to try to protect New Yorkers by assisting ICE in deporting illegal immigrants.
If this doesn’t show the true colors of politicians, nothing will.
The safety of New York will never trump the Democrats’ agenda of open borders, coddling criminals and taxing the hell out of the law-abiding.
Kathryn Donnelly
I pray Adams stays in office.
Next in line would be far-left Jumaane Williams, which is probably why some want to remove Adams.
But these are the same people who applauded the illegal prosecution of Trump.
We want ICE at Rikers Island and illegal criminals deported.
Please don’t resign, Mr. Mayor.
Carol Meltzer
I supported Adams remaining in office because an indictment is not evidence of a crime and an arrest is not a trial.
But this new action by the Justice Department compromises his ability to manage the city he was elected to service.
Now I believe that he should resign or be fired by Gov. Hochul.
Gene Roman
The Bronx
The Issue: SNL’s 50th anniversary controversial skits, including Tom Hanks’ MAGA man on Black Jeopardy.
I watched the original “Saturday Night Live” Black Jeopardy skit in 2016 (“Hanks grates again,” Feb. 18).
President Trump was president when it aired and Tom Hanks’ character, wearing the MAGA hat, did the same thing —yet no one complained.
Now the conservatives are upset about the returning skit.
Times have changed.
Robert Berk
SNL producers, much like Hanks, are similar to professional boxers past their prime, who don’t know when to hang their gloves up.
I prefer to hold fond memories of Hanks in “Forrest Gump,” rather than his recent offending display.
Jerry Chiappetta
I grew up watching SNL every week.
Lorne Michaels, the writers, staff, cast, actors and musical guests are incredible.
The show helped make the careers of so many talented entertainers.
However, the SNL 50 coverage in the media that will probably continue for two or three weeks is a bit much.
It’s time to move on.
Donna Skjeveland
It’s too bad SNL didn’t end years ago, when it was still relevant and had a good-looking corpse.
Today it’s an old, irrelevant ghost of past glory.
Peter Boeko
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