More abandoned vessels found on Naval Station Norfolk property
NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Owners often abandon the vessels to avoid paying costly disposal fees, but that is when Mike Provost and his Vessel Disposal and Reuse Foundation get to work.
On the Neptuna with Capt. Adam Weaver, 10 On Your Side got a view of more unsightly, abandoned vessels on Naval Station Norfolk property near Willoughby Spit.
“It is called Eeyore, [but] I call it an eyesore,” said Mike Provost, the founder of Vessel Disposal and Reuse Foundation. “It has been here at least eight years that I am aware of. It is a very heavy and abandoned vessel. It is well up on the shore and will be a challenge to get rid of and dispose.”
Also, along Willoughby Bay, there are two other vessels that will be much easier to remove, at a cost of about $10,000.
“Unlike Eeyore, they are much lighter,” Provost said. “These are a straightforward project to tow them off the beach and to keep it dewatered. Then take them right over to the ramp and pull them out. These two would be my priority to get these easy wins and let someone who has more funding remove Eeyore.”
For nine months, Provost has been dealing with bureaucracy.
“I have been talking with the Navy, the VMRC, speaking with the city of Norfolk,” Provost said. “No one seems to have the jurisdictional funding to do anything about this. I’m just looking to do something creative to get these vessels out of the water.”
10 On Your Side is now helping, too.
Provost has removed 70 vessels with contributions from the public — funds from people who care about removing these environmental eyesores.
Abandoned vessel in Portsmouth moves from City Park
10 On Your Side Success: More derelict vessels to be removed from VB’s waterways
“WAVY 10 has been involved since project one,” Provost said. “We just knocked out project 70, and you have shown a real capability to get folks who make decisions to get involved in these situations and help us find a way to get them out of the water.”
If you would like to help support VDRF, go to
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