NY dog Rocco hailed hero for alerting owner of fire in Baldwinsville apartment fire

This dog barked up the right tree.

The pooch is being praised as a hero for alerting its sleepy owner to an apartment fire that tore through two upstate apartment buildings, according to a report.

Angela Murray, of Baldwinsville, NY, was in bed with her glasses off when she heard her pit-bull mix Rocco barking loudly in the living room.

Angela Murray credits her dog Rocco for alerting her and her neighbors to a fire in their apartment building. Angela Murray/Facebook

“Barking worse than usual,” Murray told Syracuse.com, adding, “Then I could faintly hear the alarm going off.”

“I went to the living room where he kept barking and I’m hearing ‘pop pop pop’ in the ceiling. I’m like, ‘Oh no, this is real,’” she told the outlet.

The frightened dog mom quickly threw on some clothes, leashed up the vigilant Rocco, and rushed out of the apartment.

Murray and Rocco rushed down the stairs of her top floor apartment as fiery debris came down around them.

The fire ripped through the apartment building on Jan. 24, 2025. GoFundMe
Murray and Rocco rushed down the stairs of her top-floor apartment as fiery debris came down around them. News Channel 9 WSYR/YouTube

When she got out of the building and ran across the street — the staircase she had just used for her escape had gone up in flames, she told the outlet.

“If I had stopped to get for my glasses or look for my wallet — nope. I wouldn’t have made it out,” Murray said.

“A couple of tenants are calling him the ‘hero do,’” she said, adding, “They said they never hear him bark but he was barking out of control, that something was wrong.”

The Baldwinsville apartment building suffered heavy damage from the blaze. News Channel 9 WSYR/YouTube

The blaze took out two buildings in the Onondaga County apartment complex on Friday Jan. 24, according to the North West Fire Department.

One 80-year-old man was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation and 24 apartments were destroyed, according to that report.

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