Please your partner this Valentine’s Day based on zodiac sign

It’s been said that all disappointment, romantic and otherwise, is born from mismanaged expectations.

With Valentine’s Day brimming, the need to manage said expectations has never been more timely.

An expert astrologer explains how we can leverage cosmic knowledge to please our partners and come out on top … or bottom … depending on your preference.

The brilliant astrologer Babs Cheung, aka The Astro Translator, explains that the position of the moon — the emo mirror of needs and nourishment on Valentine’s Day — has a strong influence on our expectations and reactions.

Arrows at the ready with the moon in Virgo, planning and precision are called for. July P – stock.adobe.com

“On Feb. 14, 2025, the moon will be in Virgo, whose love language is planning, organization and acts of service.”

With the moon in the sign of the fastidious, the bare minimum will not suffice.

“Ruled by Mercury, there’s also an appreciation for well-thought-out gift-giving and communication, like letter writing. Collectively, nuanced and subdued shows of affection will be more powerful than showy grand gestures, but the type of displays will be entirely dependent on your partner’s zodiac sign.”

Hear that, folks? Hold off on the gauche, but come correct with the thoughtful and the handmade.

Read on to learn more about the display of affection that will greenlight love for you this Valentine’s Day for your partner’s sun, rising and Venus signs.

For more Valentine’s Day insights, see our gift guide and perfect date night ideas for each sign.

Cardinal fire calls for firepower Ekaterina_Molchanova – stock.adobe.com

Cardinal fire calls for firepower.

If you love an Aries, Cheung says, “Focus on action-oriented romance, something that stokes the fires between you both but still gets you in bed and snoozing at a reasonable time.”

Consider cooking them dinner in nothing but an apron.

Sex on the kitchen counter and a solid eight hours of sleep? The dream, folks. The dream.

Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure. When it comes to love, bulls favor an immersive experience that requires minimal effort and maximum payoff.

“Cue the cozy vibes. Treat them to a sensory-rich, multi-course home-cooked meal or high-quality, practical gift — like a silk sleeping mask, the perfect accessory for luxurious nap times to come,” Cheung imparts.

For fun, use that same sleeping mask as a blindfold; it will amplify their experience of eating and getting it on, their two most treasured pastimes.

Add a “strip” element to any game you play with a Gemini, and its wins all around. M-Production – stock.adobe.com

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental stimulation and banter as foreplay.

Cheung encourages those who love the people of the twins to give them the (sweet) sexy shocker they’re always after.

“Stimulate their intellectual side with a sexy game night. One where you make the rules, and they have to follow them,” Cheung says.

“If you aren’t creative, add the element of ‘strip’ to any game, and you’re on!”

An arousing game of strip Trivial Pursuit will make them feel smart and sexually generous. Wins all around.

Cancer is the sign of nostalgia as kink. In kind and in the spirit of emotional lubrication, Cheung recommends casting an eye on your shared past.

“Remembering something deeply personal and sentimental is the way to go during this Virgo moon. Dig deep into the lore of your person and surprise them with how well you know them.” 

The wonderful thing about Cancer folk is that it’s hard to give them the ick when it comes to displays of affection, so if you’re hesitating, thinking something is over the top Hallmark, go further.

Leos will also always settle for and be satisfied by a tasteful, framed nude of themselves. cygnusx – stock.adobe.com

For Leo, love equals mutual worship and constant acknowledgment that they are and deserve the very best.

As Cheung shared, “Skip the pointless gifts and get them something useful but also luxurious, like silk sheets and silky pillowcase, to keep their hair tip-top. That’s how to make this kitty purr.” 

Leos will also always settle for and be satisfied by a tasteful, framed nude of themselves.

Cheung has a strong warning for those courting or committed to a Virgo: “Since the moon is in Virgo, your Virgo partner will be extra tough to please. It’s best to start your preparations as early as possible. A touch of stationary (e.g., a love letter or love declaration) alongside your romantic plans will go a long way. If you’re more into gift-giving, think about things that are keepsake-worthy to show how much you consider them a keeper.”

For Virgos, love lives in the details, so remembering their dietary preferences and obscure references is a surefire way to satisfy them.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, so make sure whatever you do, you show up and dress up like you came to win. uv_group – stock.adobe.com

If your lover is a Libra, you better come correct with a premeditated plan.

“With the Virgo moon in play, your Libra will be hyper-aware of what is and isn’t part of the plan. If you plan to throw money at the situation, remember that cash can’t buy class — and your partner is looking for a first-class experience,” said Cheung.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, so make sure whatever you do, you show up and dress up like you came to win and to woo. Clean fingernails and your slutty Sunday best.

If you’re dating a Scorpio, the odds are good that they’ve already checked your bank statement for evidence of a plan or present. To best impress, lean hard into stealth mode and strategic sentimentality,

“A well-thought-out plan is an excellent start, but to go for gold, consider a sentimental token of your love, like a scrapbook of your adventures or a framed memento from your first date.”

The open road is the paved path to pleasure for Sagittarius. Valeria – stock.adobe.com

If you manage to wrangle a Sagittarius into any committed relationship (hats off), you can keep them happy and horny by stoking the flames of novelty.

“Make them feel valued by planning a well-executed surprise night out or getaway. If you’re going the trip route, go the extra mile by packing for them, or make room in the budget for a special shopping day,” said Cheung.

Capricorn is the sign of the high end of the holy grind.

Cheung shared, “To make your Cappy feel cherished, make a dinner reservation at a quiet, posh restaurant — one that they can brag about to their co-workers. If all the slots are taken, consider hiring a private chef for the night.”

Aquarians have a “the more, the merrier” approach to celebrating Valentine’s Day. maxbelchenko – stock.adobe.com

Born to love outside of the heart-shaped box of the status quo, Aquarius folk are not big on cliches but still want to be recognized by their lover.

“Your Aquarius partner still wants to celebrate Valentine’s Day (even if they don’t like to admit it). Make sure the plan has room for socializing with others, like a cooking or dance class. For gifts, lean into pragmatic useful items.”

Think citrus zester, amethyst infrared heating pad, or flux capacitor.

With the moon in service-oriented Virgo, Pisces people will be looking for practical evidence of love rather than flowery promises, which is their typical currency.

“On this day, dreaminess and pillow talk alone won’t get as much mileage as the good old fashioned ‘make their lives easier’ approach. Take an audit of their needs and fulfill them, be their fix-it go-to, and do your damnedest not to add more stress to their lives,” suggested Cheung. 

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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