‘Slender Man’ attacker set to be released after 7 years in Wisconsin mental hospital

The Wisconsin woman, who at age 12 conspired with a friend to brutally stab a classmate to please fictional horror character “Slender Man,” is well enough to be released from a psychiatric hospital, a judge ruled Thursday.

Morgan Geyser, 22, has spent nearly seven years inside the Winnebago Mental Health Institute and is now ready to be moved to a group home where her mental health will be continue to be monitored, according to Waukesha County Circuit Judge Michael Bohren.

Three medical experts testified on Thursday that Geyser has made considerable progress, convincing Judge Bohren that she doesn’t pose a safety risk outside hospital walls.

Morgan Geyser appears in a Waukesha County courtroom on Jan. 9, 2025, in Waukesha, Wis.Morry Gash / AP

“There’s nothing to suggest that she is a danger to herself or others. And I think there’s very little at this point that Winnebago (Mental Health Institute) can do for her, and that’s what they would say as well. I think it’s in her interest and in everybody’s interest to try to help her now become the person she can become,” said Dr. Kenneth Robbins, a psychiatrist treating Geyser.

“I think that there is the risk that over time, if she is limited by the things that Winnebago can offer her, I could imagine her becoming hopeless at some point and potentially becoming a danger to herself. So yes, perhaps ironically, I think she would be safer outside of Winnebago.”

Forensic psychologist Deborah Collins agreed, saying keeping Geyser at Winnebago could only set her back.

“Her compliance in the institution is remarkable, both with medication and with treatment, her lack of behavioral management problems in the institution, or lack of violence toward others in the institution and toward herself. Those are all those all bode well for her readiness for conditional release at this time,” she said. “Certainly for Ms. Geyser, the longer she’s there at this point, I think the more challenging it’s going to be to reintegrate.”

And psychologist Brooke Lundbohm testified that Geyser has responded well to be removed from anti-psychotic medications.

Geyser and Anissa Weier lured classmate Payton Leutner to a Waukesha park May 31, 2014 to launch the violent attack. Geyser repeatedly stabbed Leutner as Weier egged her on, prosecutors have said.

All three girls were 12 at the time and Leutner barely survived. Weier spent nearly four years at the Winnebago Mental Health Institute before she was released in fall, 2021.

Geyser and Weier believed they had to attack Leutner or risk Slender Man, the fictional boogeyman, coming after their families, defense lawyers have said.

While Bohren on Thursday called the 2014 stabbing “brutal,” the judge also said Geyser has shown she’s ready to be reintegrated into society.

“She’s done what she’s supposed to do,” Bohren said. “She appears to have a good attitude.”

A representative for the Waukesha County District Attorney’s Office could not be immediately reached for comment on Friday.

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