Suspect caught snorkeling & using speargun to fish in Lady Bird Lake
The Brief
2 suspects caught by Texas Game Wardens for illegal fishing activity
1 of the suspects was caught snorkeling and spearing black bass with speargun
The suspects had 18 unlawfully taken bass in their possession
AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Game Wardens say two suspects face multiple citations after they were caught using illegal fishing methods and unlawfully possessing black bass in Lady Bird Lake.
Officials say a Travis County game warden and captain game warden responded on December 30 in the afternoon to a public tip about illegal fishing activity on Lady Bird Lake near Barton Springs.
When they arrived at the location, they located two suspects, one who was actively spearing black bass with pneumatic speargun while snorkeling, which is a violation of state fishing regulations.
The other suspect was on the shore with a cooler and a bag.
Wardens inspected the cooler and found 18 unlawfully taken bass weighing a total of 76.05 lbs. and measuring a combined 348 in. Among them, 14 were larger than 18in., with 9 exceeding 20 in.
All the fish, the spearguns and gear were seized and officials say the bass were donated for consumption.
The suspects face multiple citations for illegal fishing methods and unlawful possession of black bass.
Officials say fines and restitution charges are pending.
Texas Game Wardens remind people that harvests of this magnitude can be very detrimental to bass populations in a localized area like Lady Bird Lake.
They urge the public to help protect Texas wildlife and report violations to Operation Game Thief at 1-800-792-4263.
The Source
Information from Texas Game Wardens.
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