Thai environmentalists upset as US revokes plastic straw ban

STORY: :: Thai environmentalists voice their frustration at Trump’s executive order encouraging the U.S. to use plastic straws

:: February 11, 2025

:: Nonthaburi, Thailand

:: Parinya Sirinutsomboon, Scuba diver and conservationist

“Disappointed with the policy (Trump’s executive order lifting plastic straw ban) because, in reality, the government should lead these issues. Especially the United States, as one of the world’s most powerful countries, its actions have a real impact on the world. Reversing the plastic straw ban or bringing them back into use truly affects the planet.”

:: Punyathorn Jeungsmarn, Plastic campaign researcher

“It’s not just plastic straws versus paper straws. It’s not just these two options. It’s about a single-use culture versus a reuse culture. When we talk about plastic straws or any single-use items, we need to push for more reuse. Raising awareness about single-use consumption, regardless of the material, should be the focus.”

:: Ayutthaya, Thailand

In the Thai Upper Andaman Sea, the percentage of endangered marine animals affected by plastic pollution rose by roughly 30-40% as of 2023, up from 20% in 2021, according to Thailand’s Department of Marine and Coastal Resources.

“Plastic waste is already visible to society—whether it’s waste in the ocean or microplastics in marine ecosystems, which originates from this excessive waste,” said Punyathorn as he warned of the environmental implications of plastic waste on marine ecosystems.

The amount of plastic waste dumped into the environment is projected to rise from 81 million metric tons in 2020 to as much as 119 million tons in 2040, according to OECD research published last year.

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