Trump roasts Dems in ‘Christmas Vacation’ parody video

It’s a beaut, Trump. 

Hours after wishing everyone — even “Radical Left Lunatics” — a happy Thanksgiving, President-elect Donald Trump roasted Democrats with a “Christmas Vacation” parody video.

“If this turkey tastes half as good as it looks, I think we’re all in for a very big treat,” a computer-generated President Biden, whose head is superimposed on the body of Chevy Chase’s beloved Clark Griswold character, says in the 35-second video Trump posted on Truth Social Thursday night

“Save the neck for me, Clark,” California Rep. Adam Schiff urges as crazy Cousin Eddie, while Vice President Kamala Harris releases her infamous cackle laugh as his wife, Catherine. The characters are played by Randy Quaid and Miriam Flynn, respectively, in the 1989 holiday classic. 

The head of President Biden is superimposed on the body of Chevy Chase’s beloved Clark Griswold character in the 35-second video Trump posted Thursday night. @realDonaldTrump/Truth
A computer-generated image of Jill Biden looked uncomfortable in the parody. @realDonaldTrump/Truth

“OK, Adam,” Biden’s voice said.

The video pans to an uncomfortable-looking first lady Jill Biden as Beverly D’Angelo’s Ellen Griswold before moving to outgoing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who is sitting next to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who gulps a glass of wine.

California Rep. Adam Schiff and Vice President Kamala Harris stand in for Cousins Eddie and Catherine from the 1989 holiday classic. @realDonaldTrump/Truth
Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also make a computer-generated appearance. @realDonaldTrump/Truth

The group watches as Biden’s Clark cuts the turkey, which is so dried out it collapses — as Trump pops out of the carcass in a blaze of glory, doing his quintessential dance moves to the Village People’s “YMCA,” one of his go-to campaign rally songs.

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is seen laughing in the parody as fellow “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) looks aghast by her side before the song fades out and the video ends. 

Trump pops out of the dry turkey carcass in a blaze of glory, doing his quintessential dance moves to the Village People’s “YMCA.”
The parody was posted hours after Trump wished everyone — “including Radical Left Lunatics” — a Happy Thanksgiving. @realDonaldTrump/Truth

The post comes on the heels of Trump’s earlier “Happy Thanksgiving” message “to all, including to the Radical Left Lunatics who have worked so hard to destroy our Country, but who have miserably failed, and will always fail, because their ideas and policies are so hopelessly bad that the great people of our Nation just gave a landslide victory to those who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

“Don’t worry, our Country will soon be respected, productive, fair, and strong, and you will be, more than ever before, proud to be an American!” he added in the X post

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