Trump’s Hot Take On Bullies Leads To Epic ‘Self Own’

President Donald Trump on Tuesday offered up his thoughts on bullies, but his critics said he may as well have been talking about himself.

The moment came as Trump was speaking to reporters in the White House about his plans to redevelop Gaza and his Saturday deadline for Hamas to release its remaining Israeli hostages.

“I don’t think they’re gonna make the deadline, personally, I think they wanna play tough guy,” Trump said. “But we’ll see how tough they are.”

One reporter asked if that deadline would undermine peace talks.

Trump said he didn’t think so, adding:

“You know bullies? You know what a bully is, right? You know the bully, I’ve always ― and I found it throughout my life ― a bully is the weakest person. And they’re bullies. Hamas is bullies. The weakest people are bullies. You know that, right?”

Trump’s critics were quick to point out that he’s been accused of being a bully himself often enough ― and they called his comments about them being “the weakest people” something of a confession:

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