Donations from Shaquille O’Neal, Draymond Green allegedly embezzled by Crips leader, who is also accused of murder

Most of Shaquille O’Neal’s donation to a non-profit allegedly went into a gang leader’s pocket. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

A pair of five-figure donations from NBA figures Shaquille O’Neal and Draymond Green were allegedly embezzled by a Crips gang leader, according to a report from the Los Angeles Times, which details a bevy of other allegations against the man in question.

Among other things, federal authorities have accused Eugene β€œBig U” Henley Jr., described as a leader of the Rollin’ 60s set of the Crips, of murder, kidnapping, robbery, extortion and fraud. As of Wednesday, he is still at large, while 18 other alleged members of the Rollin’ 60s have been charged.

The gravest of accusations against Henley is the alleged murder of a musician, identified only with the initials “R.W.,” who was signed to Henley’s label and recorded a “defamatory song” after a pay disagreement.

Henley’s activities allegedly crossed over to the world of sports with donations from O’Neal and Green worth $20,000 to his non-profit, Developing Options. Authorities allege Henley committed wire fraud by embezzling more than $100,000 in donations from the non-profit.

Per the Times, Green wrote a check to Developing Options in August 2019, with all $20K getting transferred to Henley’s personal checking account, while O’Neal wrote a check for Developing Options and the Crenshaw Rams youth sports team, most of which also went to Henley’s account.

Additionally, it is alleged a professional boxer, identified as only A.B., was accused of cheating unidentified NBA players out of millions of dollars in a rigged dice game. Henley allegedly sent associates to “rough up” the boxer and get the NBA players’ money back. Henley also reportedly once recounted how he “got into it” with A.B. after the boxer allegedly cheated a current NBA All-Star out of $1.5 million and a former NBA All-Star out of $5 million, while mentioning a charge of $100,000 from the players to get their money back.

A cooperating witness reportedly claims he knew of times in which NBA players or celebrities would need to get approval from Henley to ensure their safety at parties and other events, with celebrities paying Henley for protection and approval β€œor face retaliation from the Big U Enterprise.”

The 58-year-old Henley faces up to 20 years in prison on a RICO charge and could get life in prison if convicted of murder.

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