Your pictures on the theme of ‘my best photo’

We asked our readers to send in their best pictures on the theme of “my best photo”. Here is a selection of the photographs we received from around the world.

Erika Valkovicova The aurora in the night sky behind a heart shaped rockErika Valkovicova

Erika Valkovicova: “Aurora dancing around the heart-shaped rock on Uttakleiv beach in Lofoten[, Norway].”

Matthew Logan Three boys fishing on a river as the sun flares in the sky, with clouds reflected in the riverMatthew Logan

Matthew Logan: “These boys, brothers I assume, were fishing in a local canal on a hot summer day near Washington DC. To me, it has a timeless quality, like it could’ve been taken 10 or 50 or 100 years ago and little would have changed.”

Uku SΓΆΓΆt People walk across a bridge against a sunsetUku SΓΆΓΆt

Uku SΓΆΓΆt: “A silhouette of travellers crossing the historic Mandalay bridge[, Myanmar, formerly known as Burma,] against the golden hues of sunset.”

Ian Garfield A whippet runs towards the cameraIan Garfield

Ian Garfield: “This is Lulu, our whippet cross, doing what whippets do best. I’d just bought a new lens and took our dogs for a run at Sutton Park, near Birmingham, one Sunday evening – and this image captures everything about Lulu beautifully. She was three when that photo was taken – and having just turned 12, she’s a little bit slower these days. But out of all the photos I’ve taken since then, this is still my favourite.”

Adam Taylor A bird catches a fishAdam Taylor

Adam Taylor: “While visiting Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, in India, I noticed these darters fishing in an algae-covered lake. Every so often, the birds caught a fish underwater and emerged – before tossing the fish in the air and swallowing it whole.”

Sean Corlett A motorbike jumps off the road as it turns a corner Sean Corlett

Sean Corlett: “Every year, I cover the Isle of Man TT races. This is a shot of Davey Todd at Ago’s Leap – you can see where it gets its name from. I was lying on the ground to get the low angle – this makes the shot for me.”

Verna Evans A child wearing a bear masks looks over a garden fenceVerna Evans

Verna Evans: “This young boy suddenly popped up, from behind his garden fence, wearing a bear mask. I managed to capture his portrait before he ducked down again out of sight.”

Conor Macleod A close up of a puffin's beakConor Macleod

Conor Macleod: “Puffin portrait.”

Erhard Kruger Two swallows in flightErhard Kruger

Erhard Kruger: “Taken in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, near the Satara Rest Camp. The swallows were busy with nest-building in a culvert underneath the road – and in this photo, were busy with courtship.”

Aditi Sharma A close up of moss on a wallAditi Sharma

Aditi Sharma: “Mossy growth along a brick wall.”

Diane Langford A dandelion covered in water dropletsDiane Langford

Diane Langford: “I find dandelions fascinating and beautiful. These unassuming beauties give so much to us – yet the majority of people disregard them as weeds and a nuisance, without even giving them a second glance.”

Sonja de Klerk A bulb of garlic surrounded by dry iceSonja de Klerk

Sonja de Klerk: “Garlic photographed with the special effect of dry ice.”

Prerna Jain A peahen and her chicksPrerna Jain

Prerna Jain: “Peahen in conversation with its babies.”

Peter Kitanov The head of a gecko seen in close upPeter Kitanov

Peter Kitanov: “The curious leopard gecko from the Sofia Zoo, in Bulgaria.”

Jennifer J Hartshorn Sun streams through a large window illuminating the floor Jennifer J Hartshorn

Jennifer J Hartshorn: “I took this photo 15 years ago as visitors were beginning to leave at the end of the day. To my surprise, it won best in show in my local village competition. It encouraged me to take photography more seriously and join a camera club.”

Sophie Brind A herd of elephants block a road Sophie Brind

Sophie Brind: “We rounded a corner to see this small herd, with three calves protected in the centre of the group, crossing the track. For just a second, they looked at me before they continued on their way.”

Iain Shaw A shop front at nightIain Shaw

Iain Shaw: “Civerinos – Forrest Road, Edinburgh, part of my project to shoot the city at night using a handheld camera.”

Keith Brooke A steel platform stands in a calm seaKeith Brooke

Keith Brooke: “Sizewell power station’s outflow platforms, in the North Sea.”

Suzanne McGiffen One beagle comes close to the camera as four others sit patientlySuzanne McGiffen

Suzanne McGiffen: “I’m always taking pics of my beagles – but Martha couldn’t wait to get a treat this time. Sometimes, accidental photos are the best.”

All photographs subject to copyright.

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